
Friday, November 12, 2010

Anniversary Giveaway Winner /Week #2 Question

     As promised, I have a winner for last Friday's giveaway of the sketchbook, pitt pen and pencil case and it is patti a . You should have an email and I will drop it in the mail as soon as I receive your address.

     And I promised three more weeks, didn't I? Just to celebrate my one year blog anniversary.  This week's giveaway : hand dyed floss and a piece of hand dyed fabric-maybe linen but it is nice and soft. (It is 13 x44.)

The two on the left are perle cotton, 2 embroidery floss and the 5th one silk. Very pretty and I loved dyeing the embroidery floss. I will leave them on the little holders and you can pop them in your dye the next time you do fabric dyeing.

Just enter your name on THIS post and let me know if you set weekly goals for your art or you just let it happen. I will pick a winner next Friday .

Thanks for all those who got me through one of my first (ok maybe second or so) artist's  crisis. I have returned to smiling and moving forward.

Be creative, my friends! And have a good weekend.


  1. Oooh! Those would be perfect for my Dorothy Caldwell workshop next spring.
    Yay! Crisis over! Keep the faith (in yourself)!

  2. Thought I would say hi today :) Glad you are feeling confident about the direction your art and blog are going. Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.

  3. I can't seem to set goals for myself as far as art is concerned unless there is a deadline. I have set a goal for my watercolor class though of 4 paintings each week (guess that qualifies as a deadline). So far I've done ok with a few extras, but with company coming, we'll see how I finish up the last 2 weeks. I need to have peace and quiet so I can relax and work with no pressure. So that usually means painting at night after the house is quiet and I've settled down from the day.
    Glad to have "sunny" you back.

  4. elena-you lucky person with another trip there!

    jeana-hello! Confident? ...mmm...well maybe braver than I was last week.

    Lynne-I'd definitely say that was a goal. You will want to play with the baby not the paints I think.

  5. Colleen, Where did you get those floss holders? I sure could have used them when I was dyeing pearl cotton not too long ago. I spent a lot of time detangleing since I just carefully dunked my skeins in the dye.

    I don't have weekly goals, but more of an overall vision of what I want to get done. Right now I am in the middle of getting pieces done and prepped for the exhibit I am hanging at the local library branch so I am working on something every day after work. I will admit if I do take the time to plan I am more realistic about what I can actually get accomplished, but most of the time I just wing it!

  6. I forgot to say I am excited about the sketch pad, pen and case that I won in your last week's drawing. Please don't include me in this weeks drawing so someone else gets a chance to win the wonderful fabric and threads.

  7. Patty- I have picked them up at any of the large craft stores-Michael's or JoAnne's. I took a class online by Melanie Testa at Joggles and I think she suggested it. I rinse them on the bows and just squeeze out the water with a paper towel and let them dry. Your package will be in the mail in the morning.

  8. I never thought of dyeing pearl cotton.

    I might set weekly goals, but I tend not to follow through. So my goal is to follow through with my goals.
